Heute war's mal richtig international:
Cornelia & Kobis from CapeTown, Southafrica ... visiting Wineria Joannis (Kaiserswerther Str.)
The two venezuelian beauties Prisly and Ana-Cecilia from Barcelona and London
visiting the White Sensation Party in EspritArena
as well as the girls from Washington DC., USA and Perth, Australia
zu guter Letzt noch Prof.Dr. David Galloway Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts London (Memphis, Tennesse-born and living in the Provence, France)
Caro's Geburtagsfahrt
Tom, Peter und ...
Bettina & Thorsten
Günni und Renate
Markus Tollmann (siehe unten) und Leggi Allagui ... etwas 'inkognito'
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