Freitag, 21. Dezember 2018

Mattis klare Worte

Hello Mr. President, er hat nicht "retired", geht also nicht in Rente, sondern nannte es "step down", hat "gequittet", also zurückgetreten bzw. gekündigt!
"James Mattis' warning to America" - click:
Einer weniger, der ihm hätte zeigen können, wo's langgeht. Aber der Orangene Mann hat ja sein Bauchgefühl ...

"Mattis' letter is not a warning to President Trump, who, he knows after so many months of close experience, won't change. Mattis understands what this President is all about and that the notion of bringing him to normalcy is a fool's errand.
This letter is not written to him. It is written to other Republicans and conservative national security policymakers who have remained silent during the tumult of the first two years. It is a letter to people who understand the history and complexities of foreign policy, to suggest that the President is not in fact on the same page as many of them. It is a message to say, very clearly, that the United States faces a real risk right now from a President who governs off of his prejudices and impulses, and who is putting at risk some of the core principles that have successfully kept us at peace."

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